We have been building CRT video walls both with olde retro TV sets and our huge stock of stackable CRT video monitors since 2006. We provide a comprehensive service that includes:

Video Wall Design and Consultation
With over a decade of experience in designing and building retro TV walls in all shapes and sizes, and in various situations, we can help advise you on what’s best for your needs, and how to make it happen. But we don't keep all our knowledge for ourselves, check out our information pages to find out more about video walls for yourself.
CRT Video Wall Hire
We have a warehouse full of retro video equipment and modern digital playback equipment available for hire along with our technicians to build it for you into whatever arrangement you can create. Check out our past installations for inspiration.

Single Screen Video Monitors for Hire
Need a single video screen for your TV shoot, event or exhibition? We have single video monitors, video players and all the equipment needed for you to play back your video on a single screen.
Have a look at the range of video monitors we have in stock here.
Preprogrammed Video Playback, Live Operators and VJs
We have a range of equipment for playback of video for your event, We can provide hardware video players, professional playback software solutions, and live VJs.
Read about the difference between the different types of video playback here.

Brightsign Media Player Programming and Hire
As well as stocking dozens of Brightsign media players, which are ideal both for playing back a single video on a loop at an event or for a video centerpiece for your event, we can also program them to do various clever things such as keeping multiple videos in sync to allow for 4k video playback across multiple video screens. Read more about Brightsign media players here.
Video Wall Installation
Just look at ALL these cables! You don't want to have to deal with this! We have freelance video technicians who will come with the kit, set it all up and operate it at your event. All fully insured and highly competent and above all, friendly and accommodating. Give us a call to speak to one us about your project us if you like

Video Monitor Plinths & Stands
We stock a range of custom made plinths for hire which are specially made to fit our 28” CRT video cubes. These are idea for gallery and events where there will be single video screens dotted around a venue, and need to be raised off the ground.